Tag Archives: environment

Inspiring New Brand Campaigns: The Process Behind Successful Consumer Engagement


Jaclyn Murphy, Director of Brand Purpose at Edelman, opened an inspiring session on Wednesday afternoon where brand purpose was made tangible in four brands – Arla FoodsUnileverBT and Neste – that shared their experience and insights about how they are working to engage consumers in their purpose and get them involved in creating a change.

“Once brands have done the work of building their purpose into every aspect of their brand, how do you get consumers to care about your purpose, to come along with you, to get involved and do something in support of the cause and actually make a difference,” Murphy said.


Zaid Al-Qassab, Chief Marketing and Brand Officer at BT Group, speaks at the Wednesday afternoon SB’16 Copenhagen session on new brand campaigns and consumer engagement. | Image credit: Longfei Wang/Sustainable Brands

The panelists each shared lessons from recent successful campaigns.

1. Find the Issue that Is Related to Your Brand

Mette Borsting Hofman, Global Senior Brand Activation Manager Arla Foods, a dairy food company that is owned by farmers in Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom (UK) and Germany. Arla Foods purpose is to ‘Make eating well simple and joyful for everyone.’ Hofman said that it is important to tackle causes that are at the heart of your brand. Arla shifted focus from sponsoring sport events and curing diseases, to addressing malnutrition, healthy living and good food habits.

“We want to nudge people to make better food choices,” she explained. “Only 4 percent of children cook with their parents. This means they are not learning the skills and habits of cooking.”

Arla Foods started the Food Camps campaign for students to experience, understand, and feel the fun and satisfaction of learning to cook. The students learn about health and well-being, nature and sustainability, and cooking with multiple ingredients (not just dairy products). The Food Camps host over 70 classes with over 1600 students per year.

Arla has taken a broad approach to cooking and food habits. They have created a global platform where different offshoots of the strategy can be implemented by their brands in other countries, locally. “The global campaign allows us to leave behind a footprint, but at the same time there has to be room for it to be localised so it will work in the local context and markets,” Hofman said.

2. Build a Movement

James Hayhurst, the Global Brand Equity Director at Unilever for the brands PersilSkipand OMO – usually referred to under the umbrella brand, Dirt is Good. The brand has been running the Dirt is Good campaign for over 10 years to advocate the importance of allowing children to get outside and get dirty, but they questioned whether they were still being heard. Dirt is Good worked with Edelman to bring together statistics that showed less and less children were spending time engaging in ‘real play.’ They moved their purpose forward.

Hayhurst outlined the three-stage model they use to help change behavior – Provoke, Educate, Facilitate.

Provoke: The ‘Free the Kids’ film shocks people, raises awareness and provokes debate around the fact that children spend less time outdoors than prison inmates. This is a divergence from the typically positive tone Persil is known for, but it woke people up! Even though the topic is viewed as controversial, it has been reviewed as being pitched correctly.

Educate: Sir Ken Robinson and other experts within the field of education, creativity and play were brought on board to contribute to a white paper. This created a vehicle to bring together different players within the field to share their opinions and feedback, as well as garner their support. With the help of these experts, Dirt is Good aims to influence policymakers and parents to ensure that ‘real’ play happens everyday.

Facilitate: A global initiative called ‘Outdoor Classroom Day’ has been launched together with an organization, Project Dirt, to encourage teachers to bring children outdoors to learn, play and get dirty. Over 350,000 students around the world have already been signed up to spend at least one class outside in 2016. This is sparking a movement around the world to create more balance in children’s lives.

3. Give Your Customers the Opportunity to Get Involved

Zaid Al-Qassab, is Chief Marketing and Brand Officer at BT Group, one of the biggest telecommunications companies in the UK. BT has outlined clear goals as a purposeful company, but it’s not that simple.

“I work for a company that fundamentally does some good stuff, but is struggling to find ways to relate that to consumers and its customers and make that come to life in the market place,” Al-Qassab explained. “Consumers want to hear about the value of your actions in society as a reason to buy into your products,” he explained. BT struggled with relaying to their customers how they were doubling their efforts to offset their carbon footprint, since they are a telecommunications company.

Deciding to change direction, BT determined that the way forward was to help good causes but find something that is linked directly to the business. They launched a ‘Supporters Club’where BT Sport TV subscribers could participate to help set up camps where disadvantaged kids could enhance their lives through sport. This invited them to participate directly in the cause. 27 percent of BT employees volunteered for over 45,000 volunteer days. BT’s purpose is shining through these actions, and consumers are engaging and supporting the initiative because it is something they relate to.

4. Use the Power of Collaboration

Sirpa Tuomi, Marketing Director at renewable diesel and biomaterials producer Neste, discussed how the company set out to build their ‘Pre-Order the Future’ campaign, whereby they are investigating how to use renewable materials in order to help people make more responsible choices for the future. Neste is collaborating with Prince EA, a spoken word artist, environmentalist and futurologist who is helping them share their message and get people’s attention about what the future of products could look like. The video has received 91 million views and they have seen a 68 percent increase in visits to their website since launching the video with Prince EA.

The Pre-Order the Future campaign invites people to submit their ideas for products that will change future generations. Everyone can vote and the winning concept will be prototyped. Not only is Neste supporting other’s ideas and innovations, they are continuously looking for other brands within the renewable and sustainability field to link up with and become part of the bigger discussion. Tuomi stressed the importance about breaking up silos between marketing and communications teams, prototype teams and expert teams – everyone can work together toward nurturing innovation and moving a project like this forward to have the most impact. So far 5 concepts have been prototyped involving new technologies and renewable materials.

You have to be careful that you are not ‘Painting the fence of a dog’s home,’ unless you are a pet food company, recapped Al-Qassib. It might be a lovely thing to do but it’s not what your company is there for. Arla Foods could have engaged in sport, but they engaged in health because it was more aligned with their food company. As he put it, a key theme for purposeful brands developing genuine campaigns and building customer engagement and loyalty is ‘to get involved in something that is in your heartland, and then you have a right to play in that field and shout about it.’ Arla Foods, Unilever, BT Group and Neste look for the right place to intervene and get involved, they stay true to what the company is and your purpose is and don’t stray off it.



by Melanie Vella

Konica Minolta and Nautilus Solar poised to launch ‘Project Sunway’

Konica Minolta and Nautilus Solar poised to launch

Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. in collaboration with Nautilus Solar Energy, LLC will hold a ribbon cutting next week to introduce “Project Sunway,” – a 967,000 kWh solar energy system installed in the parking lots of the technology firm’s headquarters in Ramsey, New Jersey.

The ceremony will take place 15 October 2013.

 The goal of the joint venture is to provide an alternative energy source to the Konica Minolta offices and promote corporate sustainability efforts.

“Project Sunway exemplifies Konica Minolta’s commitment to environmental sustainability and is an exciting step towards achieving the goals laid out in the long term environmental plan, Eco Vision 2050,” says Tom Taiko, Chairman and CEO, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.  “Project Sunway will help reduce our overall electricity usage and demonstrate how customers can count on Konica Minolta to be an environmentally-conscious document management solutions provider.”
Nautilus Solar will be the owner and provider of a photovoltaic system comprised of carport canopies supporting approximately 3,498 240 – Watt solar panels. Project Sunway will produce 15-18 percent of the energy needs for the buildings.

Based on standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this project will offset the CO2 emissions from 132 passenger vehicles, or the electricity used by 84 homes per year.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has stated that if the U.S. applied solar photovoltaics to just  7 percent of cities and residences on such surfaces as rooftops, parking lots, and along highway walls, it could supply all of the U.S. energy needs. 

Despite only seeing sun three in every 8 days, New Jersey ranks #2 in the U.S. for generating solar power, right behind California.

Project Sunway is part of the aforementioned, long-term environmental vision from parent company Konica Minolta, Inc. – Eco Vision 2050. This vision is guided by three main goals for the year 2050: reduce CO2 emissions throughout the product life cycle by 80 percent compared to 2005 levels; promote recycling and effective use of Earth’s limited resources; and work to promote restoration and preservation of biodiversity. 

Scheduled to attend the ceremony at the Konica Minolta Corporate offices in Ramsey are: Tom Taiko, chairman and CEO, Konica Minolta; Rick Taylor, president and COO, Konica Minolta; James M. Rice, CEO, Nautilus Solar, and Ramsey, N.J. Mayor Chris Botta.

For additional information:

Konica Minolta’s Project Sunway


Article by Dan McCue

Konica Minolta Supports International Coastal Cleanup 2013

Konica Minolta’s concerned about environmental problems.

This year, it has joined “International Coastal Cleanup 2013 Hong Kong” coordinated by Green Council as a Gold Sponsor. The kick-off ceremony was held on 21 September 2013 (Saturday) at Stanley Plaza. Konica Minolta’s volunteer team participated in the morning’s cleanup together with other schools and organizations, demonstrating their environmental caring and promoting marine conservation.

“International Coastal Cleanup” (ICC) is a global event initiated by Ocean Conservancy in 1986. Its aim is to engage citizens to remove trash and debris from beaches and waterways all around world, identify the sources of debris, and change the behavioral patterns that contribute to pollution.

In the ceremony, Ms. Linda W.P. Ho, Chief Executive Officer of Green Council, and Mr. C.W. Tse, JP, Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Department, delivered speeches on ocean protection and presented appreciation certificates to sponsors, supporting organizations and volunteer teams for the morning’s cleanup. Mr. Robert Ip, Director of Marketing, Sales and Technical Service of Konica Minolta received the award on behalf of the company and shared environmental experiences with other guests.

“International Coastal Cleanup 2013 Hong Kong” and “ICC 2013 School Photo Competition” which is solely sponsored by Konica Minolta are held from the day of the kick-off ceremony to 9 November 2013. Data of the cleanup activities and results for the competition will be announced on 15 December 2013. A photo exhibition will come after the presentation ceremony day.

Konica Minolta Publishes CSR Report 2013


New Ideas for a Sustainable World

Tokyo (September 19, 2013) – Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) has published its CSR Report 2013 (English version) online to inform all of its stakeholders about the Group’s corporate social responsibility initiatives:

Based on the management philosophy “The Creation of New Value,” Konica Minolta strives to drive strong growth and become “a company essential to society and worthy of its support.” Throughout its business activities, the company is committed to create new value that improves the quality of society, such as environmentally responsible actions, and contribute to solutions to address societal challenges.

On April 1, 2013, Konica Minolta reorganized its management system to run businesses directly while managing the Group as a whole. The reorganization has enabled Konica Minolta to step up its endeavors toward a sustainable company that can strategically utilize the global management resources and deliver new values to society in its own distinctive way, taking advantage of the strength in proprietary technologies and mobilizing whatever is required to solve the problems, under the communication message “Giving Shape to Ideas.”

CSR Report 2013 features a cross-border project for Konica Minolta’s OPS (Optimized Print Services). OPS combine consulting, hardware, software implementation and workflow management to respond to the dramatically changing office needs with today’s constantly evolving business technologies. OPS leverage those changes to bring innovation to offices by streamlining printing infrastructure, reduce costs and environmental impact and enhancing security. OPS are an optimal solution for multinational corporations with global operations. In this case study, Konica Minolta shared the customers’ unique requests and challenges and delivered innovative solutions that only come from its new ideas and strong capabilities to give shape to those ideas.

Konica Minolta has also been making progress in reducing environmental impact throughout the product life cycle. Multifaceted programs have been put into action around the world to meet the environmental protection targets, based on Konica Minolta’s long-term environmental vision, Eco Vision 2050, and the Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2015 which establishes major objectives and specific goals to be implemented by the target year of 2015. Along with the progress report of the medium-term environmental plan, CSR Report 2013 highlights development of three Green Activities that support the medium-term plan: the Green Products Certification System; the Green Factory Certification System; and the Green Marketing activities.

In addition, CSR Report 2013 unveils calculation of the entire carbon emissions associated with the Konica Minolta Group’s activities across its entire supply chain, from upstream to downstream of its operations. Generally based on the widely-used international standards of GHG Protocol*, CO2 emissions throughout the supply chain in the fiscal year 2012 were approximately 1.507 million tons. Among them, emissions from the Group’s activities (Scope 1) plus indirect emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam (Scope 2) totaled approximately 453,000 tons, or about 30% of all emissions. Other indirect emissions (Scope 3) associated with the Group’s activities through the supply chain, including manufacturing of purchased goods and use of sold products, totaled approximately 1.055 million tons, accounting for about 70%.

For additional information on Konica Minolta’s CSR and environmental efforts, please visit

GHG Protocol: Guidelines for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Originally published @ http://www.konicaminolta.com

Konica Minolta Named to Dow Jones Sustainability World Index


Konica Minolta has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the second year in a row.

Konica Minolta has also been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific) for the fifth consecutive year.

This year Konica Minolta has earned the highest evaluation in the Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics sector for its economic initiatives including innovation management and risk management. The company has also been praised for its environmental policy and management systems and other environmental initiatives.

Launched in 1999, the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes are the first global sustainability indexes tracking the financial performance of the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide. Provided by S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM, the Switzerland-based sustainability investment company, the indexes assess corporate sustainability from economic, environmental and social developments. In the annual DJSI review of the world’s 2,500 companies, 333 companies have been listed in the DJSI World and within the list, 21 are Japanese companies including Konica Minolta.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is positioned at the center of corporate management at Konica Minolta. Across the Group, Konica Minolta promotes social sustainability activities that are closely aligned to the core of its businesses for contribution to society, in sync with driving growth of the company on a worldwide basis. Under the communication message “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta strives to take on the challenges its customers and society face and, by giving shape to the ideas that respond to social needs with breakthrough innovations, continues offering effective solutions to difficult situations from a global-minded point of view. These activities and recognitions are the results of, and closely coordinated in, the company’s Three Green Activities: Green Products Certification System; Green Factory Certification System; and Green Marketing Activities. These activities will help Konica Minolta drive its sustainability, enhance the sustainability of its customers and society, and reach the goals in the Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2015.

In addition to the DJSI World and DJSI Asia Pacific Indexes, Konica Minolta has been included in the FTSE4Good Global Index of the UK-based FTSE Group and the Japan-based Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index. The company has also been awarded with Prime Status by Germany-based oekom research AG, as being among the best companies for CSR in its international industry segment. In addition, 16 models of bizhub MFPs (multi-functional peripheral) have been awarded the US-based EPEAT* “Gold” status. The Konica Minolta bizhub C554e series is also the first laser-based MFP series that meets the newly revised, German-based Blue Angel Mark criteria (RAL-UZ 171).

#KonicaMinolta “Emerald Learning Program” Series: Container Planting Art Workshop

Konica Minolta has organized “Emerald Learning Program” for 2013 with Green Sense again to enhance students’ experience outside of the classroom, encouraging them in environmental protection. On 17 August 2013, the second activity, Container Planting Art Workshop, was held for sharing sweet grass planting techniques.

The workshop taught participants how to identify sweet grass species and what is organic planting. The tutor introduced 4 sweet grasses: basil, Chinese basil, common rue and lemon balm. Pupils learnt the uses of sweet grass and observed the plants by using their senses. With the guidance of Konica Minolta’s volunteers, participants designed their own container plants with the use of recycled materials. In future, Konica Minolta will continue to organize various environmental activities for students to experience green living with creativity.

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia launches new C754e Series


The new e series features expanded multi-touch functionality and more flexible keypad and software options. It delivers outstanding performance and unparalleled productivity whilst setting new benchmarks in lower power consumption.
The expanded multi-touch functionality now supports swiping from one menu screen to another, swiping from one function to another, drag and drop to easily move and rearrange thumbnail pages of a file, pinch in and out to enlarge and reduce scanned images in the preview screens and a rotation feature that allows you to move an image to the desired angle.
According to Chris Goult, Group Product Manager Konica Minolta, “We are thrilled with the new additions to the bizhub C754e series.  These new features follow the release of the bizhub C554e models and set the bar for revolutionary multi-touch control panels and a new benchmark in usability.”
“The new e series allows users to create Word, Excel and PowerPoint presentations directly from the MFP touch panel which is more convenient, enabling scanned documents to be converted to text searchable documents that can then be edited as required,” added Chris.
This latest high performing multifunction series from Konica Minolta offers one of the lowest energy consumptions available and a reduced environmental impact. The impressively low power consumption is achieved through LED scanner lighting, 3 watt sleep and 0.5 watt power save mode, an innovative dynamic eco-time and in built sensor.  Efficiency is not compromised as Warp technology achieves a fast warm up time of 22 seconds or less and one of the fastest First Copy Out Times of 5.3 seconds for colour and 3.6 seconds for monochrome.
Other best-in-class features include  SRA3 capability of up to 300gsm, 1200 dpi print resolution for reproducing small text and fine lines, single pass dual scanning up to 180 opm, as well as the industry’s only compact finisher that can employ a colour 3-sheet Tri-fold function, perfect for automating the collation of multi-page mailings. An optional EFI Fiery Controller is available for environments with workflow and colour management requirements.
Originally published @: http://www.konicaminolta.com.au

Konica Minolta earns BLI Outstanding Achievement Award for Energy Efficiency


Buyers Lab awarded “Outstanding Achievement” accolades to the most energy-efficient models tested in the past eight months, with honours going to manufacturers including Konica Minolta. The winners exhibited significantly lower than average energy consumption for their respective product categories and offer a variety of environmentally friendly features to help users reduce their overall environmental impact.

After analysing the results for the top performers in a range of printer and MFP categories, BLI awarded a Summer 2013 “Outstanding Achievement” award to the Konica Minolta bizhub C284

The 28-ppm Konica Minolta bizhub C284 gave a stellar performance while running BLI’s environmental job stream test, which helped it earn its award-winning status for energy consumption. In fact, when its job stream energy was extrapolated out to one year, the unit’s projected annual energy consumption was about 41 percent lower than average for A3 colour MFPs in its speed range. But its environmental attributes don’t end at the power cord. This unit also features faster than average recovery times from overnight sleep, above average tested toner yields and a variety of features to help reduce waste, such as blank-page removal for print output. Plus, the unit enters sleep mode at its set time during an error condition—some competitive units tested stay active, consuming needless energy.

Taken from a release from buyerslab.com